Sunday, November 25, 2007


所以,我認為申請博士後可以大膽D。冇乜所謂。最好係整個表,好似中一派位咁,DB,喇渣,華仁,英華,先email頭四個,唔得,再下四個,餘此類推。一次唔好email太多, 頂嚨四個, 以免攪到你要同十個人say no。咁人地好冇癮架。搞到你好似運桔咁,就唔好啦。

Saturday, November 24, 2007


This second blog of mine is about science stuff, and basic science research, and how ridiculous it can be, as you can tell from the title! What the hell does that mean! But people actually use those words when they talk about science.

So yeah, most of the entries are about me ranting. But I do hope, at the same time, it may be useful for other people who are interested in basic science research to have a taste of what it is really like. And yes, it is very is my blog afterall, if you don't like it you can leave it and look at say porn. hahaha.

Also, some of my entries will be in cantonese...for those of you don't understand that, well you can use google translator and you will get the gist of it. I just find it easier sometimes to write in my first language (also, more swear words, haha) and I can at the same time reduce the chance of people ratting me out when I am bad mouthing them. hahaha.

Finally, if you find grammar mistakes and the like, please tell me so. Me speak eengelesh veli bad. Me stupid and slow. Haha.

That's it for now.